7 Goals & God Sized Dreams

  1. Melissa Blakeman says:

    I want to thank you for dragging me into the photography business with you. What you don’t realize is that you have always inspired and motivated woman. I had given up my dream of professional photography and you changed that. What I never told you was that shortly before you called with the wild business idea I had been praying. I felt stuck. You and your idea were one of my answered prayers. You are such an inspiration on a much bigger level now that I said in awe sometimes that I was lucky enough to be your bonus mom.

  2. Kimber says:

    My God sized dreams include going to Australia, retiring from my day job, and being more available for my kids and grandkids! I love this post and I’m so happy we “met”!

    • Kara Blakeman says:

      Ohhh Australia??? I have heard it is beautiful! Maybe I will go with you! lol! I am so happy we met as well! Can’t wait until we meet in person!

  3. Lisa Taylor-Boster says:

    You made me cry sweet girl. I am so thankful for your decision in January! I am excited to see where God takes you! Goals get foggy once you get older I think so don’t let yours get that way. I have a few…I want to get a special HR certification…I have a degree but not that. I also want to go to all the states…I have about 14 more to go. I think God made all these wonderful places for us to see and I want to see them all. I long to be closer to God. I have been a follower of Christ for a long time but I feel I am in a slump of sorts. My biggest goal is to make Heaven my home someday.

    • Kara Blakeman says:

      Lisa, have you read either book I posted in the blog? They both are driving me even closer to God! A Purpose Driven Life is perfect for figuring out what God wants us to do with our lives and You’re Made for God Sized Dream is really good as well because it dives into those dreams and how God made you to carry out those dreams. I too have felt in a slump as well and they both are pulling me out of it <3 and Only 14 states to go! That is amazing! I agree that God created all this beauty and I feel so much more connected to Him when I am out in nature, taking a moment of silence and just letting it all sink it! So crazy all the beautiful things God created for us to see!

  4. Traci says:

    Beautiful goals!! Sounds like you are definitely a goal digger! Rooting for you as you make these dreams a reality! 🙂

  5. Stacy Fiore says:

    I love this post! All your goals sound amazing. I’m thinking I might need to write mine out and put them on the blog. Maybe then I’ll stick to them more. I’m so bad at writing them down and then losing the random piece of paper I wrote them are.

    Some of my dreams for now….Take a trip to Ireland. Visit my bestie and take a girls trip to Nashville. Pay off as much debt as possible and make my blog dreams a reality! Great post

    • Kara says:

      Yes! I think writing this post is helping to keep me motivated and accountable! Ireland sounds amazing 💗 And I Love Nashville! I lived there for a few months and didn’t want to leave!

      I wrote several of my goals in my notes on my phone and then narrowed down to the ones I wanted most. That way it didn’t overwhelm me when I saw 50 goals, lol! Then I created this picture and wrote them on here for a quick reminder to motivate me daily 🙂

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